It’s been a time of changes over the summer and autumn, marked by three much respected and liked colleagues retiring, one moving to the USA, one returning after a period of absence, and two more recruited into new roles.

In June, our wonderful Project Worker Lowri Siôn moving to America, after her green card was approved, allowing her to travel to Ohio to join her husband Justin.
Lowri’s skills and passion for recovery will be hugely missed – especially her understanding of eating disorders – but we are pleased that she has been able to be reunited with Justin and wish her all success and happiness.
We are enjoying Lowri’s Instagram posts describing her new life
Soon after this, we recruited two new Project Workers to lead LRC’s programme of counselling. From a very competitive field of internal and external applicants, we were delighted to appoint two existing employees – Dee Lally Osborne and Nick Shepley.
We were very pleased to welcome Service Manager Carol Hardy back to work in September, following a period of ill health. It is wonderful having Carol back, and after a phased return she is now back at the helm.
We bid farewell to our Peer Mentor Co-ordinator Siân Hughes in September. Siân has provided a great link with service users for the past 6 years, and has made many friends who love her compassion, her caring and bubbly personality. We’re glad Siân is keeping in touch Groups at Living Room Cardiff.
As this newsletter was going to press, at the end of October we said farewell to Finance Officer Gwyneth Jones, who retired after efficiently managing the books and admin for the past 2 years.
And of course, our leader and inspiration for the past 7 years – Wynford Ellis Owen – retired from his role as Chief Executive in September. Wynford will continue to fulfil his vision as Specialist Counselling Consultant, guiding key projects like Cynnal and Beat the Odds, and taking the Living Room vision to other parts of Wales.
So now, the Living Room Cardiff staff comprises
Mr Geraint Jones as Director (complementing his role as Regional Director of our parent body Cais).
Service Manager Carol Hardy.
Project Workers / Counsellors Dee Lally Osborne and Nick Shepley.
A Finance Officer – to be recruited soon.
These professionals are being aided by six volunteer Recovery Coaches who completed the recent Reaching Out course, and a number of regular volunteers.
· Supporting the governance of the charity, we have an excellent board of trustees which adds huge value to the Living Room charity, led by Mr Brian Smith, a long time service user, who was recently elected as Chair. The Board includes a range of independent members from representative organisations, including a service user representative. Congratulations to Julie Powell, who was recently elected into this role.
We also have an active Friends of LRC Group, who are brilliant in fundraising and organising events for us!